Maison Viticole Roeder

Every bottle contributes to the conservation of the natural and rural lands
Organic and crémant (sparkling) wine
Exceptional vineyards, quality craftsmanship year round, a selection of the best grapes, with a limited yield, plus precise work enable us to produce wines of great quality. We own vineyards that are more than a century old, surrounded by dry, stone walls. As a wine enthusiast, and only organic wine-grower in Rosport, in “Hoelt,” I am proud to offer elegant, mineral and complex wines obtained from limestone soils. Cuvée “Kimmfrächen,” Elbling “le centenaire”, Pinot blanc “la vieille vigne” , Pinot Gris “la passion” , Riesling “la vieille vigne” , Chardonnay “le soleil” et Pinot Noir “la barrique”.
27, rue de la Montagne
L-6586 Steenem
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