The Regional Tourist Office of the Mullerthal Region – Luxembourg’s Little Switzerland


The Regional Tourist Office of the Mullerthal Region – Luxembourg’s Little Switzerland (ORT MPSL) was founded in 2007. In addition to its manager, the ORT has 5 other employees and is responsible not only for marketing the main hiking product, the Mullerthal Trail, but also for managing various other projects. Among other projects, there is cycle tourism with the national cycle tracks, five mountain bike tracks as well as tours for road bikes and the promotion of geotourism along with the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall.

The ORT publishes a series of thematic brochures and flyers and visits touristic fairs in Luxembourg and abroad. In addition, the ORT is training tourist guides who make groups visit the cultural and natural attractions.

The ORT organizes training courses for its partners in the region and sells souvenirs in his online store.

ORT MPSL - Th. Bichler©